Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Sunday, 19 August 2007
The Cairngorms were so misty

Well the "Great Climb" had to be called off as it was raining and so misty for two days with the climbs getting a real soaking and the mist was down to the foot of the Shelterstone . Of course once the decision was made to cancel, we tried to get in to remove the ropes etc, but we could not at first as the hellicopters could not fly due to the weathaer, and whiel some of us was willing to wlak we were not allowed to as tall of our feet tramping on teh vegitation would cause damage. However by 3.00 ish this afternoon we got in and strated stripping the filming ropes from the climbs. Here are some photos of us celebrtaing geting lots of work done. We were all so dissapointed about not being able to put on the live TV show, but its Scotland and the weather was the only thing that stopped us really. Technically we manged to get all the cameras and sats. working to send images to the TV screens, so that in itself was a amazing. The climbs will dry out in day or two if this high pressure stays and the sun shines tomorrow...oh what a dreadful summer
but we have bene lucky to be part of this attempt to deliver amazing climbing in the harsh but incredibly sensitive environment and minimising our impact on the flora and the wonderful land we tread upon.

We all hope that the BBC will not be too dissapointed and will support such an amazing project again in the not to distant futuire. For or our friends and familys who wanted to watch the show on TV, we are sorry, but it does illustrate that we have to accept that nature rules and well..... respect!
We have worked with some really interesting,incredibly friendly and wise people this week, its been wonderful.
Saturday, 18 August 2007
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Film Crew Assistants
The team ascent guides and instructers have been assisting two different film crews this week...
Holme Ground Productions have been filming some very hard working volentary air cadets from Edingburgh who have been assisting the National Park with some footpath repairs. This was above Kirkstone Pass in the lake district. Further North in the Cairngorms a much bigger project for the BBC is being rigged as this Saturday 3 live climbs are to be filmed on the Shelter Stone and Hell's Lum Crag
, lets hope it a fine day for them!

Holme Ground Productions have been filming some very hard working volentary air cadets from Edingburgh who have been assisting the National Park with some footpath repairs. This was above Kirkstone Pass in the lake district. Further North in the Cairngorms a much bigger project for the BBC is being rigged as this Saturday 3 live climbs are to be filmed on the Shelter Stone and Hell's Lum Crag

Sunday, 12 August 2007
Hot Lakeland Rock

Hello climbers
after a wet spell in the lakes all the local farmers began their hay-timing so we thought it must be dry enough to go climbing! We headed up to Raven's Crag above the Old Dungeon Ghyll in Langdale on Saturday; A classic crag with many great routes but all a bit polished from the many years of heavy traffic and a little bit greasy after all that rain. So we headed off to another venue on Sunday to a fine little crag.... South Facing, no people, a few Herdwicks dotted about, rough dry rock, friendly grades, ace company and amazing views....Oh I think I'll keep it a secret...Well go on then....Cockley Crag near Wrynose Bottom....Well you did ask!
Happy days:)
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