My good friend Alan has arrived here after his flight from Vancouver, so today we were over at Aonach Mor. It's about an hours drive form Aviemore and we found good conditions there. The butresses have been somewhat stripped but the remaining ice is quite frozen giving good placments.The turf is also frozen but smaller tufts were not so great. It was super for all of us to climb together as a team again. Alan, Kathy, Andy and myself. We established two new lines, Jet Lag and Wise Goat both called after my friend Alan... for reasons which should be obvious ! One route is Scottish Grade 3 and the other a 4.V.
Arriving at Aonach More we found about 1 cm of fresh snow this morning on the higher ski slopes and we had snow showers for most of the day. The wind increased and there were occasionall falls of spindrift in the gullies. Climbing conditions should get even better in the next few days and the skiing and boarding should improve.