Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Winter is back

New accumulations of windslab are localised, however this slope seen below triggered easily just after the photo was taken.
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Blustery Cairngorm

Here we are climbing in the Cairngorms. It's been incredibly windy and mild today, but amazingly, many of the gully climbs and several of the butress routes have retained their snow and ice. The turf is also quite frozen and if you can manage to stand up to the winds, climbing is actually OK. The winds were 100mph on the summit of Cairngorm toady and around 3 degrees C Tonight it due to drop to -5, so we cannot really complain about that!
These photos show Rob and Dan climbing on Invernookie
Friday, 15 February 2008
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
High pressure for a few more days
Yes it's high pressure, warm temperatures, and light winds, very idillic really but you still need your wits about you if your wandering around on steep Northerly aspects below buttresses. Today a large rockfall was seen below the Red Gully area in Coire an t-Sneachda, there were many blocks the size of microwaves luckily nobody was in the way. Also steep slopes need careful crampon work as Northerly aspects are frozen and hard.
Today's photos are from the top Coire an t-Sneachda, Etchachan and Loch Avon.
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Coire an Lochain
The snow is very firm underfoot especially on the steep North aspects, a few partys were in Lochain heading up towards the crags for some winter sport. There is a lot of birdlife out and about, Some Ptarmigans were hanging out on the small patches of snow, red grouse seen at lower altitudes, even a lone dipper was spotted feeding in one of the smaller Lochains. Kathy 
Monday, 11 February 2008
Cairngorm Conditions
Although Cairngorm summit temperatures were over plus 5 degrees today the snowpack on Northerly aspects is becoming nice and firm again, which is good news for the climbing as most of the easy gully lines are complete. Ice is beginning to re-form again too. On the sunny side of the slopes on plateau areas there are some nice large patches of spring snow to ski on, definatly worth the effort. The forecast out look is for high pressure to dominate for a few more days, enjoy it while it lasts.
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Spring in the hills
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Mild conditions
The Cairngorms have had quite a battering over the past few days with the mild temperatures and
very strong winds. Thankfully there is plenty of snow left in the main gully lines and large patches of easier angled ice remain in the corries. Slightly cooler temperatures are forecast tonight with some light snow.
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Stunning Day in the Cairngorms
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Lots of weather in the Cairngorms
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Chilly but nice on Cairngorm today

An interesting but chily day in the Grampian mountains today. Westerly aspects very rocky and earlery aspets much better for skiers. Climbers and skiers should note that easterly aspects have a high avalanche risk and gully descents on ski or foot, to Hells lum for example ( anything on an eastery aspect) will be dangerous and not recommended.
Powder hounds should be very careful on such enticing terrain even with your ABS airbag....I suppose you could try filing it with helium, but that's really for Birthday balloons!
Friday, 1 February 2008
Deep drifts in the Cairngorms
Deep drifts in the hills with a High Category 4 avalanche hazard on Cairngorm.
Kathy and Alan were the observers for SAIS today.
We've had widespread snow accross the Highlands with strong winds accross the mountains. The Cairngorm ski road has been shut all day due to deep drifts on the road but the snow blower has been working on it throughout the day. Winds are forecast to be much lighter tomorrow with more snow showers.
Alan working on his snowpit.
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