Here we are in Switzerland. As usual Sandy slept in at the wonderful Trient mountain hut.. It's easy to do, as the duvets in the guides room are a total luxury...
and like a himalayan yak Sandy seems to perform best at altitude! Anyway, after a bolt upright awakening by Jim, Sandy rushed his breakfast and we were all harnessed up and readay to depart the hut not much later than the groups who awoke at 4.00 am.We roped up on the galcier and headed over to the Tete Blanche and climbed this wonderful arete shown in the photographs. During our descent back to the village of Le Tour ( France) we met an curious Marmot. The little chap came extremely close to Jim's camera and was probably attracted by Jims open and friendlypersonality and interesting hair style which the Marmot would probably appreciate as good insulation for his burrow for the forth coming long and chilly winter hibernation!