Well, how often do you hear adults saying negative things about our younger folks? They are of course quite wrong and it's a pity that sometimes our ambitions and dreams for our futures can be put on the back burner! But stop that negative behaviour and please just look at the photos here of these outstanding samples of European youth! Alex and James have been climbing in Chamonix yet again. We were up at five this morning and after a breakfast of stale bread (adults give you that to eat you know!) We climbed this wonderful arete.
We finished at the Aig du Midi and in the distance you can see the summit of Mont Blanc which is their objective for the following couple of days. Right now, as I post this blog we are back in Chamonix, the lads are probably laying in the sun, exercising their thumbs on some computer game and earning their well deserved membership to the "scoff a lot club"!