Sunday, 25 May 2008

Sir Ranalph Finnes- hard luck, but its an amazing success

Well, on the web the news is out that Sir Ranalph Finnes did not quite reach the top of Mount Everest. It's sad news however Sir Ran is an amazing man and did give it a jolly good push and has still raised at least £2 million for Marie Curie -and possibly a million pounds more. Wow that's incredible, well done Kenton, Ran and sherpas! Take care and get home safe. That alone will makes it a good trip, the summit would have been an added bonus but what the hec. It's a tough mountain and if your body timing has been forced off target by circumstances, then it's brave wise men who turn back!
"the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time" T S Elliot

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