Saturday, 14 March 2009

Goodbye Canada, hello Cairngorm!

Top Photo: Wet Glove, slush in the snow pack at around 13 cms. down from the surface. Joy records all in her little book!

Transformation! It was -36 degrees at the Bow Hut the other day where I was ski - mountaineering with Alan and Chic! As you can see there is slush in the snow pack here on Cairngorm, but it did snow as we were digging our pit this morning high on Cairngorm. If it continues to freeze then this will turn to ice and continue to be a "non adhesive" layer in the snow pack. If it continues warm, the water will gradually sink to the rock below which can cause another form of instability and often results in full depth snow slides. It's always fun in the mountains.. and as you can see, there is still plenty snow at higher altitudes!

Kathy takes the temperature and wind speed as Sandy digs!

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